The Remarkable Health Benefits of a Golf Fitness Program
No matter what sport you wish to learn, physical and mental strength are prerequisites for greater chances of success in the game. Not only does it improve your game, but it can also enhance the quality of life in various ways.
In this article, we rounded up the significant health benefits and other advantages of undergoing a golf fitness program….
Golfers-Age is not an excuse.... it is an opportunity.
Keep swinging for the hills (even as you get over the hill) with Certified Titleist Performance Institute Trainers
The majority of golfers experience decreased club head speed and distance as they age, a natural occurrence as the body loses fast-twitch muscle fibers. However, muscles are responsive to training and by focusing on speed and power-based exercises you can maintain your speed and distance.
If it’s good enough for Phil Mickelson....
If it’s good enough for Phil Mickelson….
A couple of Sundays ago professional golfer Phil Mickelson made history when he won the 2021 PGA Championship, becoming the oldest major-winner in history. At the ripe old age of 50, Phil is a full two years older than the former “oldest winner”, Julius Boros, who won the 1968 PGA at age 48.
What’s Phil’s secret? Here’s what he said immediately after his win: Click for interview clip
Golfers and Low Back Pain
Getting ready for a round of golf requires a checklist, even for the most seasoned player. Balls, tees, check. Shoes, weathergear, check. Advil, check. Right? Why do so many golfers keep pain relief medication in their bags? Because for the vast majority of players, pain is an either expected part of a round of golf or the price to pay after (along with the price of those lost bets along the way!). And the area of the body golfers are most likely to say hurts them? A great majority of golfers say it is their low back or lumbar spine region.
Introduction to Our Golf Performance Program
Here’s a silly question: Are you interested in improving your golf game? Who isn’t, right?! Every golf magazine, blog and website has an article with tips on keeping up with your game during the off season -- it is almost overwhelming. However every expert agrees that adding a fitness routine that incorporates strength and flexibility is one of the very best ways to increase golf performance.
The Basics of Wheatgrass
Thanks to better access to information, health and wellness has now become a part of daily conversation. More than ever before, consumers are increasingly interested in what they’re putting into their bodies.
Four Tips for a Stress Free Holiday
It’s here. We’re officially heading into one of the busiest times of the year! But a little bit of effort upfront will help you cruise through the holidays without the stress.
Redefining Progress
We’ve all been there.
After months of intense exercise and good nutrition, we step on the scale just to be disappointed by a number that we didn’t quite expect to see after all of our efforts.
This is where many of us give up on our health goals.
Not at It’s Working Out.
We have recently invested in a Styku 3D Body Scanner that provides our clients with a high-tech look at themselves as they pursue their fitness goals.
IWO From a New Participant's Perspective
I had the opportunity to try 2 different classes at It’s Working Out and I loved them both. What I really enjoy about this fitness studio is that they offer strength, cardio and stretch classes. All of which I feel are a great recipe to prevent injury and workout boredom!
IWO 3D Body Scanner on WCPO News by Kristyn Hartman, WCPO
What the body fat and scale numbers “look like”…
Behind the scenes isn't glamorous:)
Balancing a small business, my own workouts, family, and fun can be a workout itself.