Golfers - BACK In Action!

Getting ready for a round of golf requires a checklist, even for the most seasoned player.  Balls, tees, check.  Shoes, weather gear, check.  Advil, check.  Right?  Why do so many golfers keep pain relief medication in their bags?  Because for the vast majority of players, pain is an either expected part of a round of golf or the price to pay after (along with the price of those lost bets along the way!).  And the area of the body golfers are most likely to say hurts them?  A great majority of golfers say it is their low back or lumbar spine region

The Golf Channel reports:

...75 to 85 percent of all Americans will experience some form of back pain during their lifetime, and the numbers may be higher among golfers. The rotational stresses of the swing can place considerable pressure on the spine and muscles. Compounding that with the fact that golfers spend four to five hours in a bent-over stance, repeating the same motion hundreds of times, it is no wonder that playing golf can easily lead to injuries. To keep your back healthy for golf, add exercises that increase hip and mid back (thoracic spine) mobility and improve core strength. 

Adding golf-specific exercises is the speciality of It’s Working Out.  We have four Titleist Performance Institute Certified Trainers on staff and the Region’s only Level 3 TPI Certified Trainer.  Here’s a little taste of what we do to help you prevent and decrease lower back pain while improving distance off the tee.  

Pro golfers experience injury from overuse.  No surprise with all of the rounds a pro logs in a year.  The rest of us experience golf-related injury from a biomechanical dysfunction that already exists in our body which causes a swing fault.  That isn’t as depressing as it sounds.  Very generally speaking, a player is tight in one spot or loose in another which results in neighboring joints and muscles overcompensating which produces pain.  When a player complains of low back pain, this pain is often a result of one or more of the following:

1. Tight hips and/or limited mid back (thoracic) mobility

2. Poor posture, defined as “S” or “C” posture

3. Swing characteristics that can often be connected to the way your body does or does NOT move. 

1. Tight hips and/or limited torso rotation ability

The low back is safely nestled between the hips and the mid back.  When hips are loose and the mid back rotates effectively, the low back goes along for the ride, pain free, swing after swing.  When hips are tight or the mid back doesn’t rotate as it should, the low back attempts to help and pain begins.   From a seated position, legs together, can you twist and look behind you equally on both sides?  Your torso rotation is likely limited on one side or both.

2. Poor posture, defined as “S” or “C” posture

In these postures, the shape of the spine matches the letter describing the posture imbalance (we’re all striving for “N” or neutral posture where the spine is neutral).  Both “S” and “C” posture are equally guilty of contributing to low back pain and are found in over 70% of golfers.  

3. Swing Characteristics

You, and your teaching pro, will determine if you have any of the swing characteristics that can lead to low back issues.  The three major offenders are: Reverse Spine Angle, S Posture and Hanging Back.

Whether you are looking to reduce low back pain with golf OR if you just want to hit the ball further, we can help.  At It’s Working Out, we will identify where you have a lack of mobility and postural imbalances.  We start with the Titleist Performance Institute screening and assess 15 movement patterns from which we tailor exercises specifically for you.  If you can commit to following our exercise recommendations and program, we guarantee you will gain 10-15 yards and feel better doing so in ten weeks, or you get your money back. 


If it’s good enough for Phil…


Why You Want To Lose More Balls